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I was recently trying to find an on-line list of Blog Terminology (cuz we DO speath our own lingo dontchaknow) for a blogging class I’m teaching. It amazed some the terminology I came across that is and ISN’T used in blogging.
And I am still amazed I didn’t come across the word and definition for “Follow” anywhere WTF?
BUT I did come this great list that I just had to share.
Blogstipation – writer’s block for bloggers. Can’t think of what to blog about?
Blogathy – I do not want to post today and I do not care about it.
Blogopotamus – A long long blog post.
Blogorrhea – unusually high output of articles.
Bleg – To use one’s blog to beg for assistance etc.
Hitnosis – Refreshing your browser repeatedly to see if your hit counter or comments have increased
GAD – Google Adsense Disorder. Repeatedly checking your AdSense earnings. more
Blego – Blog+Ego. Measuring blogger worth
Blogroach – A commenter who rudely disagrees with posted content
Blogoholic – addicted to blogging.
Blogorific = blogtastic – something which a blogger says is terrific
Blogsit – maintaining a blog while the primary blogger is on leave
Blogvertising – Also called blogvert. Advertising on a blog.
Blurker – a blog reader not posting comments, just lurking around quietly.
Blogathon – update your website every 30 minutes for 24 hours straight. Maybe collect sponsorships.
I’m for-sure am afflicted with the first four. Does that mean I need an intervention?
What blog words/terms/slang do YOU use?
The Coupon Sista says
Girl you are so funny! My favorite is Blogathy! I had a few of these days lately!
Vodka Logic says
Blurker.. lol.
Great terms
Mary Aalgaard says
Those are great. I hope you have an enthusiastic turn-out for your class. I don’t know any, but I’ll make one up blogervation – irritation with blogs and/or bloggers.
Jyll says
Blurkers are so annoying! It is like being spied on! lol Please just comment! lol I use blah-blah-blogging for when I just ramble. lol
Laura says
Great list! Stopping by from SITS.
Jonette says
I love this! I’m a total blogaholic. I’m actually a few of these lol.
Melissa {adventuroo} says
Oh this is HI-LAR-I-OUS! Especially love Blego and Blogorrhea. SO, so true!
FranticMommy says
Yes family members are notrious Blurkers. Which I have to keep in mind when I’m writing. I can’t talk too much smack about them since I don;t know who’s reading 😉
The Flying Chalupa says
Blurker is a great word. And pretty much defines my family and friends. The people who comment are always bloggers! Hmmm…what slang do I use? Blogathon, Blogtastic, Blogology…
FranticMommy says
Ha! This IS addictive! How about “Blump”. A blogger who is an inactive lump. Doesn’t really write anything, just reposts other people’s stuff 🙂
Craig and Tanya Amberson, says
This is addictive!
“Blogiopath” A blogger without a conscience.
FranticMommy says
“Blogudite”…like a blognoramous! 🙂
Craig and Tanya Amberson, says
Awesome list! Here’s my contribution.
A person who doesn’t even know what a blog is.
Mrs. Accountability says
Two I use are “blogfodder” which must be a synonym to “blogworthy” and blogoversary.
Midwest Mommy says
Ha! I like this list. I haven’t heard of some of these.
Sheila (Bookjourney) says
LOL…. I am frequently guilty of Blogorrhea.
I have also used blogolicious, blogitis,blogified,and I didnt see blogiversaryy in here (the anniversary of when you first started blogging)
Oh and I really like blogworthy!
FranticMommy says
Oh yeah…Troll. We can’t forget TROLL!
FranticMommy says
“blomit” OMG! Thats freakin hilarious. The blog equivilent to verbal diarreah!
Jennifer says
Texan Mama coined the phrase “blomit”, basically where you vomit out your thoughts and feelings on your blog.
Karen says
Lol! I am definitely guilty of the blogopotamus post! I’ve used the word blurfing long before I actually started blogging. BLog sURFING. I just started using it naturally, but then someone looked it up & its actually in the Urban Dictionary! Hopped here from BF, SITS! :>
ranndomized says
I love this post! I wasn’t aware that there was blog terminology, however Ive used these (thinking I made them up – how disappointing to find out the truth!):
Blog worthy
I may have to link your post to my blog to educate other bloggers and readers! Thanks for posting this 🙂
Ann (visiting from SITS)
FranticMommy says
I forgot one! How about “Blogworthy”. It’s like when your husband does a complete knucklehead move that you KNOW you have to write about. You look at him and say, “OMG, THAT was SO blogworthy” 😉
Myya says
So funny the words that just kind of make thier way into everyday use.
Katherine says
I think that even things we thing are common like “follow” and “lurk” are foreign to non-bloggers. This is a great list.
Mighty M says
Those are great! I think I have a lot of Blurkers…most of them are family members!! 🙂
BECKY says
Those are great!! I can’t think of any slang I use,though….
JDaniel4's Mom says
This is such fun! I love the definitions! I so don’t want to be a blurker.
Thanks for stopping by.
ModernMom says
🙂 Oh I think Bleg is my fave!~
TKW says
I love the list! I think my personal favorite is Blogroach, but it’s hard to decide!