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I kinda like Spring Cleaning.
It’s the chance to de-clutter, de-junk, and -decrapify your life by moving out the unused and unneeded, scrubbing everything up, and starting the summer season with a fresh new feeling.
Sometimes, I get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of volume my family of 4 can accumulate. To not get buried under the avalanche of “stuff,” I’ve learned I need to “purge often.”
This year has been exceptionally good when it comes to my follow through on getting rid of excess. I truly have come to the I’ve heard a good rule-of-thumb is to get rid of anything you haven’t used in the last year so I think that’s a good baseline for getting started. Clothes get outgrown, tastes in music or books change, and we upgrade furniture and electronics to something new and fresh. Whatever the reason, many homes quickly clutter up and get buried under an avalanche of “stuff.”
But what if I told you there were ways you could take your “de-crapifying” efforts and turn them into cash? You can! Here are ten options:
Letgo: Letgo is a free, person-to-person, mobile classifieds app, which launched in 2015. It allows users to buy from, sell to and chat with others locally.
Similar Selling Apps that May Be Available in your Area:
Facebook BST (Buy, Sell, Trade) groups: These groups cater to specific brands or items and may have more privacy settings than Marketplace. I would say most communities will have at least one group and these groups have proven to be a great way for me to sell my unused items pretty quickly. 99.9% of the time sellers and buyers will need to figure out a “meet” time where the exchange of money and item will occur.
Be aware that most of these Facebook BST Group have very strict policies and if you don’t adhere, you might find your selling post deleted…sometimes without warning. I did an in-depth post on this effective way of turning your clutter into cash here.
Check Out Consignment Stores: One thing I advise is that if you have clothing items that are worth more than $5 gently-used, you would be better off dropping them off at a local consignment store. Granted, it won’t be a quick payout like at a garage sale, but often times the item will sell for far more than it would have at your sale. Check your local listings for consignment shops in your area and turn your unwanted, high-quality clothing, into profit.
Other Ways to Turn Clutter into Cash
Craigslist: Open even days in a week and 24 hours in a day, Craigslist can be a great way to attract buyers for bigger ticket items. Listing on Craigslist is free and there’s probably a Craigslist for your area as well. I caution people to not give your name and address to just anyone and YES, you will get some spam and creepy-crawlies answering your ad. Check out this article on eHow how to successfully list items on Craigslist.
eBay: I’ve been an eBay seller in 2000 and I have to admit I have a love/hate relationship with this site. Sometimes I do well selling my excess items, sometimes months pass with no sales at all. SarahTitus.com has some great tips for those wanting to become an eBay seller so do your research before diving into this platform.
Shopify.com Create your own online storefront and sell all the high-quality goods you have. Shopify helps professionalize the process by customizing your store design, accepting credit cards and shipping goods — all with a few clicks of the mouse. Again, SarahTitus.com has some great tips on WHAT TO SELL IN YOUR SHOPIFY STORE: TO SHIP OR NOT TO SHIP
Barter: Ever watched the show Barter Kings? I find it super interesting how people can barter to get what they want. I am completely open to bartering for things I want as long as it’s fair for both parties involved. MoneyCrashers.com has a great article on how to barter.
Have a Garage Sale! Having a garage sale is a great way to clear out the clutter and make extra money. I have hosted garage sales at my house for the last 25 years. It’s a great family project for us and a way to pay for something fun the whole family can enjoy. One year we bought a BBQ grill, another year we used it for a family trip. This year we might end up using it to build a playhouse/fort for the kids to enjoy this summer. Garage sales can be a lot of work, but as long as the whole family pitches in it’s a great way to de-junk and de-clutter your life AND make money too!
I found this amazing tidbit of info at Chatanooga Moms Blog site within their Selling Your Stuff for Cash article.
A cautionary word on purchasing items: Use PayPal ‘Goods and Services’ to buy anything on a Facebook BST group if you’re not meeting in person to acquire the goods. Do NOT use ‘Friends and Family’ through PayPal unless you actually know the person. If you’re swindled out of your money, PayPal only covers you through Goods and Services. Many sellers tell you they prefer Friends and Family because they are charged a nominal fee otherwise. If you’re a seller, suck up the surcharge and accept payment for Goods and Services.
Read this excellent article in its entirety HERE.
Happy de-cluttering!
Now, how about more thoughts, guidance, suggestions, and tactics on what you CAN sell. For a limited time, I am GIVING AWAY my Tips & Tricks to a Wildly Successful Garage Sale e-book!
Organizing experts have stated that the average family of 4 has at least $1500 worth of unused, sell-able items in their home.
I think it’s MORE.
It’s time to take action. Instead of letting these outgrown, unused, and excess items clutter up your home and Weigh.You.Down…
Turn it into CASH.
For a limited time…
I am offering my Tips and Tricks for a Wildly Successful Garage Sale report for FREE.
20 pages of ideas, tactics, best practices, and strategies to turn your “stuff” into “income!”
You have nothing to lose (the report is free) and everything to gain (sell your stuff for MONEY!)
Go HERE, enter your email addy and get instant access!
Let’s make some moola!