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Cool Kidlit from Emerging Authors
This gentle story shows how small acts of kindness can help anyone feel included and allow them to see how wonderful they truly are! This story is a follow up to the #1 Amazon Best Seller, I’m NOT just a Scribble…
Everyone LOVES colorful Scribbles and bright Splatters but what about…Invisible Scribble?
Invisible Scribble is the new scribble to the group and he is worried he will never fit in because he can’t make a colorful swirl. It took kindness from the Scribbles, the Splatters and the Snippets to show him how he was always a masterpiece!
This is a great book for any child but especially a child starting at a new school or a child feeling they are not good enough to make friends. Sometimes all it takes is a little kindness and a little confidence to make a BIG difference!
Looking for ways to inspire your children to be kind, empathetic and inclusive so they can make the world a better place?
Being Kind is a book that shows many examples of kindness. It teaches kids to do the right thing in our society where diversity lives.
The story highlights a diverse classroom with students of different skin colors. Children are taught to be mindful and reach out to those who need help even if they look or act differently.
It teaches that any acts of kindness, big or small, can help people feel better. Kids love that the thumbs up emoji pops up whenever something kind is being done!
Let’s fight racism and discrimination by teaching our children positivity and love.
The language is simple, but the message is strong.
Kindness practices included.
Not everybody loves to nap!For Mom and Dad, nap time is a treat. But what about energetic little cubs who want to roar and explore, not nap?
Using engaging but simple language and easy to follow devices, this story takes young audiences through the day’s adventure and excitement for two tigers (one more naughty than the other, perhaps), gently winding down to help children wind down with them.
Everyone has times they’re not tired, filled with adventure, and want to go, go, Go! But in the end, nap time will eventually find you.
This precious book is designed to provide comfort and support for a family suffering from grief. It is an ideal tool for helping children to process the loss of an important relative or friend from their life.
Designed for personalization, simply add the name and up to 10 photos* of a loved one who has passed away to this beautifully illustrated storybook and create little reminders of their love wherever you go.
A treasured keepsake for both adults and children to maintain a connection with someone who is gone, but not forgotten.
The book was originally inspired by a desire to introduce the Authors young son to his Grandmother who sadly passed away at the age of just 46, before he was born. Through this story he became familiar with her and developed an understanding of how she fits into the family and why she cannot be here. This was very healing for the whole family.
Carrie’s Grandma left four mysterious boxes in a closet marked: KEEP. Wandas, Fascinator, Dowse, and Feathers. These treasures help Carrie feel closer to Grandma. There’s magic in love. And in the starlings they watch together.
href=”https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085P3DJNN/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_U_x_ZIvUEb6999Y2B%20#kidlit%20#activities%20The%20ABCs%20of%20BookJumping%20presell%20on%20Amazon%20is%20live!%C2%A0https://www.amazon.com/ABCs-BookJumping-Best-Jump-Into-ebook/dp/B085P3DJNN/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=The+ABCs+of+BookJumping%3A+The+Best+of+Jump+Into+a+Book&qid=1583929123&s=digital-text&sr=1-1″ target=”_blank” rel=”noopener noreferrer”>
Well…we’ve added a whole new level of “learning is FUN” layer to summer reading with our new kidlit book-inspired activity ebook!
The ABC’s of BookJumping: The Best of Jump Into a Book by Valarie Budayr and Rebecca Flansburg allows frustrated parents of reluctant readers to enjoy hand-picked book reviews and unique companion activities that will reignite your child’s love of reading and encourage screen-free family time.
What if you could “live” inside the pages of the children’s books your family reads? What if you could enjoy the same adventures as the characters? Bookjumping is taking the solitary act of reading a book and transforming it into an event that can be shared with others. It’s the process of pulling books off shelves and stories off pages. It’s making kids’ books come ALIVE by “jumping” inside the pages. Readers of this ebook will enjoy hand-picked book reviews and unique companion activities that will reignite your child’s love of reading and encourage screen-free family time.
“This fun picture-book-based e-book contains over 150 hand-picked book reviews, unique book-inspired activities, and recipes. Just in time for #summer reading!” Amazon reviewer
We purposely made this book an ebook for the “portability factor” and affordable to fit every budget and family need.
Go here for more details on what you can expect from with awesome ebook and learn more about the authors.
Grab your copy of The ABCs of BookJumping: The Best of Jump Into a Book on Kindle HERE.