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Love kids’ books? Especially ones with diverse or multicultural themes?
Do you have a blog or a social media account like a Facebook Page, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest?
PERFECT. Multicultural Children’s Book Day 2019 wants to give YOU a FREE book to review for their 2019 online celebration!!
Diverse Children’s Book Reviewers -We need you for MCBD2019! (1/25/19)
If you love diverse books for kids, and have a social media platform to share a review on, we want to give you a FREE diversity book to review!
In a nutshell; you don’t have to be a blogger to review multicultural children’s books for our MCBD 2019 online event. You just need to have a love of diversity in children’s literature and be willing to share on your social media platforms such as Facebook (Pages only-no Facebook profiles), Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, or YouTube.
**We encourage honest Amazon reviews of assigned books whenever possible as well.
SIGN UP HERE to be a MCBD2019 book reviewer or use the embedded form below.
MCBD2019 Book Reviewers: How it All Works
Reviewers can sign up via a Google Sign-up and review a multicultural children’s book for this event.
Reviewers are then “matched” with an author or publisher that will supply them with a free children’s book to review. Reviewers are encouraged to read the books and share their thoughts on the book (a basic book review) in the form of a complete review post that can (optional) contain fun book-related activities that will bring the story to life.
Once their book review post is live (any time between January 1 and January 25, 2019 is good), reviewers are invited to “link up” their blog post on the Linky that will be found on any of our CoHosts’ sites and also the MCCBD website. This linky will go live on January 25th..
Reviewer sign-up for 1/25/2019 (NOTE: We will not be shipping out any books for the 2019 online event until Nov/Dec of 2018!)
Important MCBD Links
The Multicultural Children’s Book Day website and view our booklists, reading resources and other useful multicultural information.
Multicultural Books for Kids Pinterest Board has even more reading ideas.
Watch for the #ReadYourWorld hashtag on social media and share
List of our CoHosts- https://multiculturalchildrensbookday.com/about/co-hosts/
Our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/MulticulturalChildrensBookDay
-Our Twitter https://twitter.com/MCChildsBookDay
Our Paper.li https://paper.li/MCChildsBookDay/1419776073#
Our Instagram Account: https://www.instagram.com/readyourworldmcbd/
Our Facebook Group {please join!}: https://www.facebook.com/groups/259709034187671/
**Our official hashtag is #ReadYourWorld***
FIRST, a giant blog tour —
so that readers, parents, teachers, librarians, and caregivers can explore lots of books with diversity content via book reviews, book lists, and links.
SECOND, a giant networking event —
to connect organizers, sponsors, co-hosts, bloggers, and others interested in expanding awareness of, and promotion of multicultural children’s books.
THIRD, a virtual book drive —
to place multicultural books in locations where they are needed.
Following the book review, you will find information and links for the generous SPONSORS, CO-HOSTS, and PARTNERS of the MCCBD global event.
Have Questions? Email the MCBD Project Manager at Becky (at) MulticulturalChildrensBookDay (dot)com.
Good luck finding qualified reviewers! Thanks for sharing with us at The Blogger’s Pit Stop! Roseann from This Autoimmune Life