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Do you adore all things vintage? Me too! So much so that I have an alter-ego to my Author/Book Coach role in my business. I am the Seller of Things who has been part of the eBay community for almost TWO decades and this other part of my business model is known as The Quiet Thrifter.
It is honestly somewhat against my “Quiet Thrifter” unspoken rule to be sharing this on this platform. I rarely tell those who know me best about this facet of my business even though it makes up for at least half of my yearly income. Thus, The Quiet Thrifter moniker-I keep what I know and do as a reseller to myself.
The reason I’m sharing this info now is two-fold. I’m throwing back the hypothetical curtains because, well, I’m pretty stinkin proud of how far I’ve come as a Reseller on eBay. I also know that there may be Mom Bosses out there who are curious about using eBay/Mercari/Poshmark as an income stream. The best way I can help is to give a shout-out to the mentors and YouTubers who have provided me with the knowledge and advice to grow and flourish.
BOLO Buddies:
All-around amazing entrepreneur, Courtney is the creator of the channel and Facebook group BOLO Buddies. “BOLO” stands for Be On The Lookout For, and her videos are like a goldmine of real-life successes and experiences. You can find her here and my eBay Store was Featured on the BOLO Buddies YouTube Channel in 2022.
Crazy Lamp Lady:
Jocelyn was one of the very first YouTubers that not only made me very interested in selling vintage on eBay, she was the one that helped me laser focus in on the fact that I love vintage glass, pottery, and art. I can’t even begin to tell you how much I’ve learned from this humble, sweet, hard-working mom. Words cannot described how grateful I am to her for being transparent and sharing her very successful reselling business with others. Watching her business grow over the years is an amazing example of business evolution and how hard work and dedication pays off.
Commonwealth Picker/Flipper:
Kevin is a History Teacher turned full-time Online Reseller and watching his videos not only open my eyes to new things to consider selling, he tackles tough topics that are beneficial to other resellers.
Daily Refinement:
Chris from DR is a hard-charging young entrepreneur who never stops thinking, planning, and morphing. Even though some of this thoughts and advice in regards to business processes aren’t always for me, I have learned a TON from this guy and look forward to his videos.
There are several more that I watch and I can assure you that, what ever your selling niche is, there is a thought leader on YouTube and social media that is more than happy to show you the ropes.
Laura Caldwell:
Laura is the perfect example of a ambitious businesswomen with elegance, class, and a creativity that inspires me constantly. Laura’s love of Mid Century Modern and Italian Pottery is infectious and she is another person who has taught me boatloads about style, design, travel, and an upscale eye for true vintage treasures. Her videos are the perfect way to end my day because they are filled with gentle music and dreamy segments on life and travel. LOVE HER.
A Little More About The Quiet Thrifter
I work hard to give my buyers an exceptional buying experience and I love finding out the story behind the items I buy.
When I do, I try to include the story within my listings. I love the history and uniqueness of the items l list. I firmly believe that everyone has a story to tell and that can be reflected in the treasures they choose to pass on.
After working for over 30 years in retail and sales, I 100% I understand the importance of customer service and offering a pleasant buying experience.
My eBay customers mean the world to be and I always try to go the extra mile whether its a $10 sale or $500 one.