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I am unique.
Wonderfully, weirdly unique and colorful. I wear it like a badge of honor, baby.
And in case you haven’t already figured it out by reading my brain lint on this blog, I typically never take the “main road” on anything in my life. I am definatly more of a blaze-my-own-trail-kinda-gal.
I buck the system.
I question everything and assume nothing.
If I have to “go” bad enough, I WILL pee in the men’s can.
I do my best work, when someone tells me it can’t be done.
If my life was a file cabinet, I’d need my own special drawer. A pink one. Right next to the refrigerator and not too far from my laptop.
And my whole family is…unique.
I liken it to of my favorite quotes from the popular movie trilogy Ice Age. “We’re not a normal herd” is soooo us. In the movie Ice Age, unlikely friends Mannie the Mammoth, Sid the Sloth, Diego The Toothed Cat, and Scrat the Prehistoric Squirrel are thrown together after a sequence of Very Unfortunate Events. These events bring them together in a very unique ” herd” that is unlike any other in their world.
That’s kinda the way our life is too. Through our own Series Of Unfortunate Events I have become the bread winner of the family, hubby is my “house husband” (or as I like to say Captain of the SS FranticMommy cuz lets’ face it, if it wasn’t for him this ship would surely SINK), and we are 44-year-olds with two kids under 7.
We are SO not “your normal herd”.
In reality, I wouldn’t change a thing. Our kids are healthy and happy. Our house is cramped , but hey, love grows best in small spaces.
I am one spoiled Mommy that’s for certain. I come home to homework done, supper cooked, bills payed, groceries bought, and by golly Hubby makes a might fine Laundry Tech.
Are we broke as heck?
Friggin-A right.
But our “herd” is right where it needs to be right now.
And I wouldn’t change it for the world.
You sound like a very cool family to me!
Stopping by from the no-Go BlogHer hop.
You sound like a real cool lady….with an awesome family ……. “Normal’s Over Rated!”
Normal is boring. I’m glad you and your herd are happy.
Cheers to being broke as heck! God gets us through it!
Absolutely on the small places! We’ve found that, too. ‘Normal’ is what we make it. I know I’ll never regret now being part of everyone else’s version of normal, though.
This is an awesome post, girl!
Normal is sooo boring!
It’s all about gratitude. And you’ve got it in spades!
This makes me think of that song that goes, “All you need is love” 🙂
I think that being strapped for cash, living in cramped space etc breeds uniqueness in that you make your own happiness where and when you can. In my opinion and experience this gives birth to the most interesting and joy filled memories. While some day I do feel the ‘woe is me, where is my fortune?’, most days I feel that I have more blessings than people with far more possessions than I have.
Stopping by from SITS. Glad to have found you.w
La Familia Scribe is just a little bit “different,” too. Here’s to taking your own road! SITS sent me by, and I’m glad they did…
It’s Complicated
That is a fabulous attitude! Love it.
Stopping by from SITS.
I love your brain lint. Gimme some more!
Oh good! We’ll see you at the KOA during our mutual retirement. 🙂 Right on sista!
I’ve found that the “normal” ones are the craziest of them all!
I am with Heather above! “Love grows best in small spaces.” Simply perfecly said Frantic Mommy!!!
“Love grows best in small spaces.”
I love that.
Odd and loving it right with you,
Normal is overrated. Love covers a multitude of oddities. Pretty sure that’s a proverb somewhere. 🙂