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I recently was over at Blog Buddy http://mindofamadwoman.blogspot.com/ and she had this cute meme goin. Now, I know I just did one, but this one was too funny to pass up. It’s all questions from a mans’ perspective. I love a good laugh and this one ’bout made me pee myself with laughter.
AND so since everyone knows how much I like a good pants-peein, I had to play along.
1 – Why did you start blogging? Easy, I’m a huge control freak and don’t like to be told what to do. I like writing what I want, when I want. Period (I’m a real treat to live with too). Plus I needed a place to leave my endless “stories” about my parenthooding life without freakin people out. Ok, well, I probably STILL freak people out but at least I don’t have to see the pity in their eyes as I type. Or endure their sympathy laughs. Or constipated looks and antsy feet. My co-workers usually suddenly “need to be somewhere” when I say “hey! I got a great story!”
2 – Who’s the one blog friend that you would want to meet most in “real life”?Holy cats, there’s just so many. The main ones would be my bloggy “sisters” Mimi at Living in France, Michelle at PFM, and Pam at Pam’s Perspective. I’d love to have coffee and a chat with Kelly @ Housewife Savant. She’s just plain naughty. And Heather @ Theta Mom. She’s just so..so…classy. They all rock. I’d leave their links here but, sorry folks, I have get ready for my daily Life-Force-Suck (job) in less than 15 minutes. So it ain’t happenin today.
3 – Why are you always concerned with losing that “extra 10 pounds” when chances are your husband/boyfriend/friends tell you that you look just fine the way you are? I would run through the streets squealing with glee if it was ONLY 10 pounds. I have a lovely wardrobe that I visit often, but can’t wear. Makes me want to wear only tent-dresses and mumu’s and hide in my basement with Biggest Loser exercise tapes and a case of Kashi. I just had a former classmate tell me via Facebook my hubby “has a hot wife” so I am deliriously happy for a moment or two(and 50 pound overweight). Unless of course my hubs has gone all Tiger Woods on me and there’s another wifey somewhere. One never knows.
4 – What’s the one thing you wish guys could understand about you? Well guys..it’s your..THING. I know you guys like your thing and all….but why do you insist on showing it off all the time? I swear that guys think if they whip it out and shake their schwanners at us, we are going to faint away in a puddle of passion. Not.So.Much. Sorry honey, put it away. It’s just not a pretty organ.
5 – Tattoos?: None yet. I think they’re hot…hubby thinks their NOT. And the debate goes on.
6 – What was the best year of your life and why? Wow, This sounds weird but the best year I think was 2005 when our second child was born at the tail end of of the year. Being p.g that year was so amazing (our oldest is adopted) and after she was born I was MUCH less freaked about parenthood the second time around. I thoroughly enjoyed my 6 weeks of maternity leave with her. Made me want to “redo” my time from when our oldest was born. We were green as grass in the parenthood department the first time around and I wish we would have worried less and enjoyed him more.
7 – Name three things you would do if you were a man for one day. 1. Pee standing up. 2. Ummm..sorry can’t think of anything that’s not really harsh, so I will just leave it at that.
8 – What’s your alcoholic drink of choice that usually raises a few eyebrows? Sorry me no drinky. I do slurp cocoa with my pinky sticking out. Guys think it’s hot. I am sure of it.
One 2 Try says
Fun information! Nice to meet YOU. Thanks for participating in Friday Follow. Rita @ One 2 Try.
Pam says
Fun meme! And I’d LOVE to meet you in real life sometime,too. You never know. Maybe someday.
Santa's Gift Shoppe and Ideas says
Hi..Iām Barb from Fri. Follow. I am your newest follower. I hope you will get a chance to visit my blog @ santasgiftshoppe.blogspot.com
& get inspired by something for your family/home. I hope you will follow me as well.
-K says
I’m your newest follower from FF. Can’t wait to read more, stop by my blog sometime! Happy FF!
mommymommymommy says
Happy Friday Follow! I am your newest follower!
My blogs are 72, 73 and 74!
Mad Woman says
Muahaha! I loved your answers. I squeeeed when I saw you’d linked to me. I love seeing my name in..um..type.
Jennifer says
oh man… you think SO MUCH like me it is SCARY…. š
Stesha says
If I could be a man for a day I would also like to pee standing up…and I would go around pulling bra straps…just to see what they get from this childish act. And yes, I know grown men who still do this. Sigh.
Hugs and Mocha,
Accustomed Chaos says
Loved the meme!!
Devan @ Accustomed Chaos
Theta Mom says
What a cute meme – and thanks for the shout out! Would love to meet you in real life one day, too!