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3 Ways to Increase your Blog’s Page Rank
1. Search Engine Optimize Your Blogger Blog
The title of your blog posts are the most important element of search engine optimizing your blog. If you use Google’s free Blogger software you need to adjust Blogger’s settings. The default setting is not search engine friendly. This will help you get more traffic to your blog.
Go to the DESIGN tab in your dashboard. Then find Edit HTML.
Find this line in the HTML code:
Replace it with code below:
2. Comment on other Blogs
When you comment on other blogs you build Page Rank because if you leave your blog URL it creates a link from the blog you’re on back to your blog.
3. Link to your Own Blog Posts
This is one of the most easy ways to boost your Page Rank but few take the time. Make a link from one blog post to another post on your blog. Make the link text describe what people will get when they click, rather than something generic like “click here.”
I’m going to demonstrate this now by linking to our blog post about a new blogging campaign. If you click this link it will take you to a blog post we wrote last week. This is helping build our Page Rank. Even if you don’t have a Blogger blog, you can use this technique.
One benefit of linking to your other posts is it introduces your readers to more of your writing that relates to the post they are reading.
We hope this helps you improve your blog ranking and traffic.
B says
I predict I will fall down from exhaustion trying to check things off my kids summer list of things to do.
Momma Hunt says
I just totally blogged about my summer plans. I am also hoping for children that sleep in..we just added to our family in the pet department and I knew full well that when I said I was getting a dog for the kids it was really for me…hence why is she wears a rhinestone collar and pink harness for our walks