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Ready for a Road Trip this summer! Read to make the-rubber-hit-the-road and find some family fun??
Before you embark on your Big Adventure I suggest doing some planning so your much anticipated trip doesn’t turn into something out of National Lampoon’s Family Vacation (can you say Family Truckster?). Here’s some of my Tips for Summer Travel.
1. Bring food. Full tummies are happy tummies. Little kids can enjoy a stash of simple, non-messy foods like Cheerios or Goldfish crackers and bigger kids can have their own lunch/snack box packed with things like pretzels, rice crispy bars, or string cheese. Remember: A Happy Child is a FED Child….
2. Load up on Books: Picture books are a great quiet time activity. My 7 year old likes the Frog and Toad series and our 10 year old boy is really into Percy Jackson (LOVE the Lightening Thief!). Reading is great way to pass the time and stimulate young brains.
3. Coloring activities: What kid doesn’t love a brand new box of Crayolas and a new color book? Moms like it because it is a no-muss-no-fuss activity that doesn’t require a ton of adult supervision.
4. Bring a lovey: Blanket, pillows, stuffed critters. All can be comforting and distracting and even make naps in the cars (or at a strange house) easier. And age doesn’t seem to matter either. Both our kids (7 and 10) always grab a favorite blanket and critter for the journey.
5. Travel Smart: Best practices for traveling with kids would include leaving ahead of schedule, travel during daylight hours, and dress everyone comfortably. Bring a supply of tissues and paper towels for wiping up messes and even an extra change of clothes in case of spills or accidents. I always pack a larger blanket, paper cups and plates, and even Wet Wipes because you just never know when the opportunity to have a picnic will present itself.
6. Dress for Funky Weather: It’s never a bad idea to pack warmer clothes and even rain gear. The weather an change on a dime and put a damper on your vacation fun if you are not prepared.
**Above all, create memories and relish every moment of the Season of Parenthood with your loved ones.
**Check this out***
The Summer Survival Kit for Moms will see you through not just the whole of summer but also the rest of the year. After all, every mom needs to keep the kids busy and happy, regardless of the season.
With the Summer Survival Kit in your mommy toolbox, you will have:
- Peaceful, fun-filled days with the kids,
- Healthy, wholesome meals for the family,
- A clean, organized and welcoming home, and most importantly,
- Time for yourself and your loved ones.