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I’ve had the privilege of reviewing children’s author Julia Dweck’s book before and they are always fun and vibrant. I believe Zombie Kids was the first of her books that I read, but I’ve also read Blucy, Zombie Kids and Furmaid (my daughter loved Furmaid 🙂
So when Julia offered me a review copy of JUMP! (her latest book) I jumped at the chance! (see what I did there? 😉 And this book doesn’t disappoint either. Check it out.
This is Jack. He’s a Jack-in-the-Box who has spent his whole life in a…..well… a box! Then one day the spring that holds him in his box breaks. and he is able to get away from his box. Though he’s finally free, Jack feels lost and scared without his safe box.
Everything is strange and new to Jack and he finds himself longing for the safety and familiarity of his old box.
Then shy Jack meets Barker, his new friend that not only shows him the way, but helps him find the courage to try new things.
So fun and furry Barker takes Jack on a jumping adventure and together the new friends experience a trampoline, JUMP from an airplane, bungee jump from a rickety bridge and even end up riding a jumping horse.
The illustrations by Brian Allen in this book are simply amazing and really bring this story to life. I love the expressions on Jack’s face when he discovers something new. This rhyming book is a perfect book for teaching children that perfectly OK to be nervous before trying something new, but once you find the courage and follow through and try something new (hey, that rhymed!) you can discover some really wondrous things that make the world a more exciting place.
From Julia
“This book carries an important message that I’ve been sharing with my students for years: ‘Don’t be afraid to try new things, make mistakes and learn from them.’ The illustrations by Brian Allen are so dynamic and brilliant as well!”
I highly recommend downloading your own copy of JUMP! and see what kind of new adventures your family can jump into 🙂
***I was give a review copy of JUMP for this review. Opinions expressed are purely my own. Some of these links are also affiliate links (which means maybe…just maybe I can buy the fancy creamer for my coffee if you click a link and purchase a book via Amazon)
I think my daughter would love this 🙂
I love the message in this book. I live by it – just jump in. 🙂 We downloaded this on one of its free days and look forward to reading it. Sharing your post now. 🙂