**The posts I write might contain affiliate links or be written in collaboration with businesses or brands. Please see my disclosure policy for more information.**
Can you believe that 2016 is only a few days away.
DANG…that went FAST.
It seems like, with business planning and general family stuff in the forefront of my mind, the last thing I have time for is creating worthy blog posts for my readers.
This is the time when I call in the Big Guns. The Secret Sauce/Ninja Trick that I’ve not said much about (but religiously used) over the past four years; PLR.
PLR is basically pre-created content for blog posts or email newsletters that are the “bones” of a topic. If I want to write a blog post on email marketing, working from home, dream boards (yada yada yada) the core info is always the same (what dreams board are, how they become popular etc.) This templated “bones” of content saves me hours of research time and is just enough quality info that I have to do is add my own intro and “flava” here and there and presto; I have an great blog post ready to rock in only a few minutes. AND…the cost is always crazy-low. Far less than my time is worth is I spend an hour+ trying to piece together an intelligent blog post.
There are only a few specific places I buy my PLR from. I am picky and don’t want crap written by a non-English speaker that I have to toil over to edit and proofread.
So with 2016 nipping at our heels, let’s finish off 2016 right (and with one less thing on your To Do List!).
My friend Jacqueline Myers just loaded up some brand spanking new PLR to celebrate the coming launch of her new business, Phoenix PLR, and I’d love for you to grab the download right now, at no charge whatsoever.
The info on the free pack is here and you get 10 blog posts, 20 customizable images, plus 20 social media updates to get traffic back to your site! Jacqueline is a college writing professor, a self-published author and the writing expert behind two other websites…she knows her writing stuff!
It will only be available for a few days, so make sure you get yours. Click HERE to score your goodies; goodies that will not only educate YOU on the world of publishing your own book, but be info that your readership is HUNGRY for as well!
P.S. Feel free to tell your friends about the free package too. I bet you have lots of friends who would love to have superior PLR content for their blogs.
{Click to Tweet} Is your #blog ready for the #newyear? Get it there with this *free* PLR bundle on book publishing! http://ow.ly/WnMZM
Thanks for sharing it!