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I was taking a quick stroll down my blog’s memory lane today and came across this post I wrote early on in my blogging adventure. I had to giggle because, almost a year later, I find myself right back in this same predicament. So just for craps and giggles, I thought I’d repost this one. Enjoy!
Lately..I’ve become a “lettuce pusher.”
You know, kinda like a drug pusher but only with garden fresh, organically grown produce.
French Mix lettuce pusher to be exact. It started as a harmless “honey, I’d really like to have a garden this year” experiment that has blossomed into a garden-salad-runnin-wild. Who knew a little pouch of seeds bought on a whim at Menards would turn into a “holy crap, what are we gonna do with all this lettuce??!!”
In the beginning I would happily (and proudly) trot out to the garden every night and cut a dishpan full of lettuce.
“Look at this!” I would crow to my hubby, “This stuff is gorgeous! Restaurant quality! We should be selling it!.”
The lettuce would then be shuttled into the house where I toiled over washing each leaf, drying it in my spankin-new Salad Spinner until it was ready for it’s final resting spot: a Debbie Meyer’s Green Bag. Our neighbors, family, co-workers, and friends were thrilled and flattered when I presented them with this lovingly grown feast. I would boast that it was “home-grown-organically-grown lettuce”, conveniently leaving out the part that my hubby has been burying fish guts in that part of the garden for years. I felt like a Master Gardener.
Now two months later, my produce passion has turned into a quest to pawn off my lettuce on any poor bastard I encounter. Now when my victims see me coming with Ziplocs full of lettuce and their hands come up in a weird “please-don’t-hurt-me-with-your-Greeny-goodness defensive posture.
“No thanks”, they say sweetly, “we’re still good”……………..
Okay..well… I am too so eat lettuce salads for breakfast and suck it up! We can’t let this green gold go to waste people!
The process has changed too. My lettuce has become like a needy child. “Hey honey“, my hubby would say, “The lettuce is as high as my boots. Are you going to cut some?” Inwardly I groan, grab my now grubby dishpan and trudge outside. Where I used to revel in the textures, shapes, and sheer volume of my lettuce, I now spend my time cutting quickly, grumbling loudly and dodging bees. My Debbie Meyer Green bags have given away to Dollar Store Ziplocs and my Salad Spinner sits unused in the cupboard.
“Aren’t you going to wash it? ” my hubby innocently asks.
“NO!” I snap, “Everyone can wash their own $$@@*! lettuce. Besides a low-level of dirt and germs is good for a body….”
I know my lettuce is at the end of it’s cycle and soon it will be a distant memory. Maybe that’s OK. If I eat anymore lettuce this year, I think I may hurl.
Want to be”DONE” with diapers?
This ebook is a personal account of exactly what a mom (of four!) did that worked for her, her family and her friends. I just want to share it with you in hopes that you get the same outcome!
Potty Train in a Weekend is the only guide that you will ever need to potty train your child. Whatever method you choose, this eBook has more than 70 pages packed full of information that will be helpful to you and your child! Author Becky Mansfield even asked other Moms for their advice and input and she researched where they were having difficulties in potty-training and addressed those issues. Take the first step and ditch those diapers!
Mammatalk says
I hear ya! LOL.
Mira says
My mom’s garden was like this but now that I live in the city I wish I had a friend with a bounty like yours. Actually I’d eat tomatoes until I burst if I could find someone with a bush. Funny blog!
Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!
Pollyanna (formerly the Laughing Idiot) says
We’ve got an over abundance of Basil. Who knew this grew like Jack’s beanstalk? We have six towering bushes of basil – I’m going to be up to my arse in pesto soon 🙂
I’d love to have you stop by my place: Life Makes Me Laugh
Wonderful World of Weiners says
You crack me up!!!
And I LOVE that you would also just flip the dirty knife over and use the handle end!!
Hallie 🙂
Alicia says
hahaaa the green gold! send some of that this way!! i eat so much lettuce its ridiculous!!
Pam says
I would gladly take some Green Gold off of your hands. I wish someone would share their garden bounty with me. I had a garden for a few years and then decided the work was not worth the pleasure.
Unknown Mami says
Lettuce be grateful for the bounty. Sorry I couldn’t help myself.
Dreamgirl says
How funny! And how healthy you must be by now…
Just stopping by from SITS to say hi.
Come on over and join my PHOTO Challenge. It’s funny, easy and has a great reward! Drawing on Sunday – prize… A 12 issue subscription to Harpers Bazaar. Don’t miss out on this one!
See you!
SwizzlestickMama says
Gave you an award….stop by and pick it up!
Housewife Savant says
This is brilliant.
We’ve all had run-ins with Garden Dealers traffiking one type of bounty or another.
You were maniacal for sure.
Kate Coveny Hood says
This happened to me with tomatoes once. Why do vegetables have to have “a season”??
MiMi says
I LOVE IT! Trying to push it on any “poor bastard” you encountered.
That’s hilarious. Seriously, I can just imagine it. LOL.