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Lately I have had a serious bout of Cleaning-itis. Usually I lie down until the feeling passes, but this is a serious case of it. Cleaning-itis is what comes over me when I am in the mood to clean, purge, dejunk and decrapify my house and life.
I know, right?
It’s kinda like the need to nest without the baby bump. So after succumbing to the Need to Clean, I have moved mass mountains of empty cardboard boxes, sorted multitudes of sock drawers and unloaded so many old file folders that my home office looked like Christmas in July… only it’s not July…..but it is Christmas….
As I sorted , stacked and made a “shred pile” in my humble little home office that I have called Command Central for the last two years, I encountered bits and pieces of my “past life.” Much of it was not happy memories (I have no idea why I was even keeping them} but there was just as many triumphs in the form of completed projects, book ideas and magazines that contained my published work. It was like a walk down memory lane and it gave me reason to reflect for a moment.
From all the piles of “stuff,” I have gathered these 13 Reminders for The New Year.
13 Reminders to ensure a better New Year
*1.Cherish ALL victories, no matter how small or how long ago.
*2.Your past is called your past for a reason. If it makes you miserable, leave those memories there.
*3.Don’t forget your connections and work to keep them alive. As I sorted and purged I came across names of people I had previously worked with on projects, encountered in my 9-5 life and even past clients who had chosen other paths. There was a lot of “Ooohhhh yeah. I remember her/him!” If the person was awesome and a positive influence on your life, reconnect. Send an email, a card or give them a call. Keep the connection alive.
*4. If you owe someone an apology that hasn’t been given yet-give it NOW. Start your slate clean in the New Year. Baggage and unresolved issues suck.
*5. Stuff is just stuff. It doesn’t define you, make you smart or stronger. If something (an item) doesn’t make your heart sing, spark joy or serve a specific purpose, it needs to GO.
*6. “Promise me you will always remember….You are braver than you believe, Stronger than you seem and Smarter than you think.” –Christopher Robbin {i.e: be nice to yourself}
*7. If you encounter those projects, people or jobs that fall into #2 category, look for the “teachable moment.” These things come into our life for a reason and even if they made your blood boil, there was still a lesson that came from all of it. Think about what that was. Go ahead, think. I promise it’s there.
*8. “Resentment, criticism, and guilt are the most damaging patterns.” – Louise Hay {in regards to #7, learn from it. Don’t wallow or fuss over your “Teachable Moment.” Acknowledge, learn, move on}
*9. Friends may come and go, but family is forever. Don’t blow them off or sell them short. Ever.
*10. Dream big. Dream often.
*11. Remember, just because you tried something and it didn’t pan out doesn’t make you a failure. At least you tried. That automatically puts you ahead of 95% of the world.
*12. Treat others as you wish to be treated. Anyone can be an a$$hat. Strive to be better than them by biting your tongue when need be and remembering everyone {even the a$$munch} is fighting their own private battle.
*13. “You will get where you want in life by helping others do the same.”-Zig Ziglar
What pearls of wisdom do you have for the New Year?
Thanks for stopping by my blog via SITS Sharefest! This is a great list. I especially love #10.
I’ve recently had a bout of Cleaning-itis as well so this post is very timely for me. I love your reminders, as they are so true. Sometimes it takes going through all the “stuff” you’ve kept for too long (or just need to organize) to learn these lessons.
Visiting from SITS. Happy Saturday!