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One of the many hats I wear in my daily WAHM life is Project Manager. I love projects. I am a serial Project Gal and there’s just something about organizing events and other related projects that just make me giddy.
My latest adventure is truly one of the most exciting, involved and biggest I have ever worked on, and I feel truly blessed to be a part of this one. One of my top client’s, author/publisher/Magic Book Lady Valarie Budayr from Jump Into a Book and Audrey Press has teamed up with “A-lister” blogger Mia Wenjen from PragmaticMom. Together this dynamic duo has created a national event that promotes and celebrates diversity in children’s literature. Multicultural Children’s Book Day is on online event that shines the spotlight on all of the amazing multicultural children’s books that available for our kids.
Sponsors for this event as also uber-impressive. I’ve had the privilege of working with LEE and Low Books, Chronicle Books, Wisdom Tales Press and an amazing author named Susan Fayad.
I am in book heaven 🙂
During my travels with this project I have encountered some pretty amazing people and some equally amazing books. Here are a few that have caught my fancy.
Erik at This Kid Reviews Books: I’ve seen Erik’s posts before on social media and have been impressed. His book reviews are well articulated, focused and complete. I connected with Erik for this event and about fell off my chair when I found out he was only 12 years old! And he’s an author! Even his emails are exceedingly mature and polite. Very inspiring young man that reminds me of my own almost-11-year old (I just want to give him a hug!) Proud of you Erik!
Barefoot Books: Though not a sponsor, they have been such a huge part of the success of this event. Barefoot Books stepped up and donated a dozen books to some the 60+ bloggers who signed up to review children’s books for this event. Leah from Barefoot has been a dream to work with and I truly appreciate her professionalism and attention to detail. Bless you Leah for making a huge task run smoothly! Barefoot Books also has book titles that just make me drool and I owe them BIG TIME for being so wonderful with this project.
Author Faith Wilkins: Faith is a young author with Arundel Publishing and Arundel is another generous supplier of review books for Multicultural Children’s Book Day. I started looking at Faith’s book titles like Camp Wacko and Wacko Academy and got excited (our son will LOVE these books). THEN I looked at Faith’s bio and found out she’s only 15! Whoa! Wow! WHAT?! How cool is that?? I am super excited to read one of Faith’s books and am once again blown away by a young person. You GO, Faith!
Renee Prewitt: During the blogger sign-up process, Renee stepped forward as someone who was looking to review books for our event. She also mentioned she was an author as well and when I investigated, I discovered her wonderful book Taj Cleans the Garage.
Not only is this book awesome, Renee is one of those people who “speaks gold.” She has some really, really good insights and comments on multicultural books for kids and I just have to share:
“Studies show that children are motivated to read more books when they see themselves on the page. So, it is surprising that the publication of multicultural books is on the decline. Content does matter, and we know that the more children read—especially about themselves—the better the odds are to close the achievement gap,” Prewitt said, who speaks to groups about the 30 Million Word Gap. The study showed that low-income children hear 30 million fewer words by age three than high income children. “It’s time for the publishing industry to catch up with reality and maybe Multicultural Children’s Book Day will be the catalyst.”-Author Renee Prewitt and CEO of Prewitt Group
The Bloggers Themselves: Some people would look at the task of managing 60+ bloggers all over the world and want to run in the other direction. Thus far, this has been an smooth process and the bloggers and authors I am working with have been professional and helpful beyond my wildest dreams. You guys ROCK. If you want to learn more about Multicultural Children’s Book day go HERE and be sure and watch for the giveaways and blogger link-up that will happen Jan 27th on PragmaticMom and Jump Into a Book.
I am excited to see where this journey leads 🙂
Not sure if this comment went through the 1st time around but just in case here’s the comment again.
First of all thank you for all you do! I know it’s a lot, and but I’m sure by your blog post that you’re enjoying every minute of it! I too, am excited to be part of this exciting event, and raise awareness for more multicultural books. We really need them! 🙂
I have to say that I’m blow away by the two up and coming stars Renee and Erik! They are excellent role models that the younger generations that can aspire to!
First of all thank you for all you do! I know it’s a lot, and but I’m sure by your blog post that you’re enjoying every minute of it! I too, am excited to be part of this exciting event, and raise awareness for more multicultural books. We really need them! 🙂
I have to say that I’m blow away by the two up and coming stars Renee and Erik! They are excellent role models that the younger generations that can aspire to!
Thank you Frances! I agree! There are some young authors at fellow review bloggers Stanley and Katrina. I want to know more about that family 🙂
Rebecca: Thanks for mentioning my comments in your blog. It’s so good to be part of the conversation regarding multicultural books. If we don’t bring it up, who will?
BTW, I’m learning so much about this community of writers and advocates for children’s books. You’re BBs: Big and Bold!
You are absolutely right Renee. And it’s such an important conversation to have! 🙂
Thanks for managing this project, Rebecca.Our gang is thrilled to be included.
FYI – Erik is just as awesome in person as he appears to be online and through emails. We’ve had the pleasure of meeting with him a couple of times. I am thrilled you shared about Faith, as well. Thisi s the first I have heard of her and young authors are near and dear to our heart, too. 🙂 Have a paw-riffic day!
Thanks Christine! I don’t know how I missed this, but I understand you have a young writer in your house too! I would love to know more so keep me in the loop.
I am so happy to be part of this awesome day! I am finding great sites to follow. I can’t wait to read all the posts on the 27th. 🙂 Thank you for the shout-out!
(PS I just turned 12 😉 )
Thanks Erik! I am stoked to read everyone’s MCCBD posts to and YES, I will change your age 🙂