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I am pleased to announce….we are thus far having a helluva good summer 🙂
The downside is that it is also Mosquito Season and Deer Fly season. I am NOT a big fan of bugs and my youngest has been known to retreat screaming into house at the sight of a June Bug.
I don’t blame her though…those things are creepy.
But typically I find bugs pretty interesting. Did you know that there is over 150 varieties of fireflies in North America? Did you know the adult fireflies only live 5-30 days? Did you know that female fireflies sit on the ground or in the grass. Males fly around in the air at night. When a female firefly sees a male she likes, she flashes. Pretty cool, ‘eh? I learned all of that here.
But there are also Bugs I Don’t Like and that list includes:
- Cooties/Head Lice
- Black Wasps
- Cockroaches
- Centipedes (they creep me out)
- ALL SPIDERS (all spiders need to DIE)
- Horseflies (they piss me off)
- Deer Flies (they piss me off too)
- Best Beetles (ugly little buggers who like to hang out in my box gardens and freak me out)
That being said, bugs can and do provide hours of observation fun for kids and a boatload of learning too. A big part of our No Bummer Summer this year is appreciating what nature provides…and that includes BUGS. In our At Home Summer Nature Camp eCirriculum (page 76) there’s a bunch of cool activities and info on observing bugs.
There’s more fun and educational ideas involving bees and other outside projects within this ecirriculum as well. This guide has been a ton of fun to integrate into our No Bummer Summer plans. Here are some more “bug-related” activity ideas:
Nature Study Ant Observation from There’s Just One Mommy
The “creepie-crawlies” are out! Let’s celebrate our bug friends with this fun book review with matching activities-Inch by Inch by Leo Lionni: Book Jump and Craft Activities
Bugs: Sensory Bin & Book Activity
7 {Non-Icky} Ways To Learn About Bugs via Kids Activities Blog
get your bug on!
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This summer, we are trying something new. We are trying a creative, affordable alternative to pricey summer camp, this 8-week eCurriculum called At-Home Summer Nature Camp eCurriculum.
This eCurriculum is packed with ideas and inspiration to keep your kids engaged and happ.y all summer long. In one easy-to-follow PDF, parents will receive eight kid-approved themes, each including ideas and tutorials for: outdoor activities, indoor projects, arts & crafts, recipes, field trips, books & media, and more. Every weekly theme is packed with summer nature fun our family can have right in our own backyard! Learn more, or plan your summer fun,
I’m going to let you in on a secret…. I am not a bug person. Seriously hate ants — totally want to scream when they are in my house. (Which happens every spring.) But my kids love them. We have had numerous bug pets in our home…in very sealed containers, mind you.
But, since my kids love them, I try to inspire that interest…. Thanks for sharing our ant observation!
The “very sealed containers” is the key, isn’t it? 😉 Thanks for stopping by!