**The posts I write might contain affiliate links or be written in collaboration with businesses or brands. Please see my disclosure policy for more information.**
Welcome to my recommends for those of you who are just dipping your toe into the blogging waters!
I feel like a student of monetizing blogs because I have spent YEARS investigating and testing ways to do just that.
Since 2016, I have had many opportunities to coach and guide several ambitious folks who are very committed to starting, maintaining and even monetizing a blog for personal or business and many of these people were new authors.
As I coached these aspiring or new authors, I found myself repeatedly sharing the same information so I thought I would make things easier for everyone by putting all of my blogging thoughts, links, and resources all in one magical place.
But first…If you are just getting started setting up an author website
If you are fresh-out-of-gate in regards to the blogosphere, here is a great tutorial from mega-author Johanna Penn on setting up a WordPress.org website using (the BEST hosting company for bloggers and business folks) for your business. This geared towards the author, but the video tutorial and written instructions are excellent.
Why Blogging?
Creating a List
A big giganto mistake I made 10+ years ago when I first started Franticmommy was not doing anything to get people on an email list. Why is that important? Email marketing offers a variety of ways to help you build up your business and maintain open communication with your customers.
If you have plans to use your new blog to bring in income, one of the most important things you can do (other than create awesome blog content) is to do something that collects emails from people who might be interested in buying something from you in the future. Not starting an email list early is one of the top things that people regret (LIKE ME :0 ) so definitely consider this info a “must do!” Email lists offer an extra way for you to stay in touch with the folks who have an interest in what you do, what you write, and the services you may be offering.
There are two services that most bloggers: Aweber and Mailchimp. I personally use and recommend MailChimp, but Aweber is good too. So how do you get people “on your list?” You offer then something free of course. Both MailChimp and Aweber will help you create an opt-in box that will be used to show people what you are offering and ask for their name and email. This subject is pretty deep, deeper than I can squeeze in on this page. If you want some good info on the “hows and whys” of creating an email list, check out this article from OptinMonster (which is an amazing tool of business, by the way) and also a site for great free info and detail program that will help to get you started. Examples of a free gift/optin is my Free Virtual Assistant Contract and my Adult Coloring optin.
Once your blog is up and running:
One major thing I have discovered in my ongoing blogging research is that much of the “making-money-with-your-blog” advice out there right now is coming from blogs that have 100K views PER MONTH.
Of course, it’s easier to make money with ads and affiliates when you have a bajillion eyeballs on your content. Here’s the solution…
Carol Tice’s new ebook Small Blog, BIG INCOME is the honey-hole amazing info that helps small to mid-sized bloggers make money with their site.
Blogelina is another source of awesome (and inexpensive) training on how to be a better blogger and get the most from your blogging efforts.
I’ve been following this site for as long as I have been blogging and I can assure you that it is a treasure-trove of amazing info on everything from blogging resources, photography, social media education, and writing in general.
Sources for Blog Income
Want to know how Franticmommy makes money? You’re in luck. Here is a recent blog post (with examples!) on How I Make Money with my Blog.
Holly Hanna’s The Work at Home Woman: An awesome sort for legit jobs and advice from other work at home women.
Leslie Truex’s Work at Home Success: Junk-free and legit work from home opportunities and advice.’
How will people find me?
Social Media is Key: Facebook may want to make your pull your hair out and Twitter may make your eyes cross in confusion, but these channels are a huge key in the success and longevity of your business. Social media basics include keeping it short and sweet (studies have shown that Facebook and Twitter updates under 140 characters get the most Likes, Shares, and Comments) and taking the time to be present and engaged with your followers and Likers. Social media consumers have gold-fish attention spans which you have around 4 seconds to catch their attention and you need to be consistent about the tactics to keep that attention
Particpate-Don’t Push: Don’t forget the “social” in social media. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest are not just a place for you to hawk your wares. Genuinely get to know people, comment, like, and share their information as well. Build relationships first-the selling will come later.
When You Feel Like You Are Twisting in the Wind
So, you’ve been blogging for a while now, but you feel stuck. Nothing is happening, no one is commenting and your stats are looking BLEAK. WTF??
Being clear on your direction, motives, goals, and priorities could be a reason you are drifting along like a rudderless ship.
Know your “why.”
My blog gives me a place to laugh at myself, be crass, mouthy, snarky, and even tell a good poop story. I can be “raw and real” without repercussions of my daily life (hopefully).
My blog has also become the place where I share victories of my new author journey and the books I’ve published!
My blog also gives me a venue to write, share, and tell my crazy stories. Blogging enables me to do that beyond the boundaries of my friends, family, co-workers, and community.
It has helped me find my voice. My rhythm.
It has helped me define the path I want to take for the second half of my life. It has supplied me with a skill and credibility that not many in my community have.
But it’s not all about being zany and mouthy (well…actually, yeah it kinda is. I love being mouthy).
I love my blog because I love the freedom. I can capitalize what I want, say “screw it” to proper punctuation, even eff bomb (if I so chose) and still have a good story. There’s no Editor rejecting my story because “I don’t like your angle” or “it doesn’t match our vision.”
I love my blog because I can write what I want when I want. Me no likes to be told what to do.
When you are Feeling Overwhelmed
When all this blogging stuff has you vapor-locking with overwhelm; just breathe. Blogging is not do-or-die. Sit down at your keyboard and just WRITE. It doesn’t have to be perfect, it doesn’t have to be pretty, heck, it doesn’t even have to be published.
Just write. Write and hone your craft.
Be All In
My last parting advice is; if you are going to blog, do it consistently.
Many new bloggers start with good intentions and high ambitions but quickly peter out when they discover that blogging (successful blogging with an actual readership) takes long-term persistence and effort. If your blog is starting to feel like a needy child, consider getting creative with curating your content. Invite guest bloggers, check into PLR or having articles created via Fiverr. Or create the discipline, headspace and the process you need to create content yourself. If you start a blog, do your best to commit to writing or creating a blog post every single day.
Minnesota historical novelist Candace Simar shared an amazing nugget of advice to me earlier this year in regards to writing which she called it her “Fifteen Minute Rule.” Candace shared that if she required herself to sit down and write for 15 minutes, once she got past those initial minutes the rest of her writing came easier. Try it, it works.
Commit to working on your blog posts a little every day, even if you only post one completed article per week, it’s still progress.
My published books!
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Use Your Love of Adult Coloring to CASH IN HERE.
Connect with Me!
Website: Franticmommy.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/rebeccaflansburg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Franticmommy/
Twitter: @RebeccaFlansburg
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/franticmommy/
***some of these links are affiliate links. That means if you click, sign up or buy, I may get a tiny commission at no extra cost to you.