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I was just reading an article off of blogherald.com that Technorati currently states it is tracking over 112.8 million blogs, a number which obviously does not include all the 72.82 million Chinese blogs as counted by The China Internet Network Information Center.
112 MILLION blogs! That is freakin awesome, overwhelming and exciting. All at the same time.
In my mind, that’s 112 million chances to read some amazing blogs and connect with some amazing people.
Who can I learn from?
Who will make me laugh? Cry? Say WTF?
Wow. Where do I begin?
Every week I try to delve into one new blog and connect with one new amazing blogger in my precious 59-minutes-and-59-seconds. The problem is there are SO MANY good ones. So many Mommies out there that genuinely take my breath away. I could sit on my ever-growing backside and read blogs for hours. Simply hours.
But when does a person say “enough is enough”??
I have my core of bloggy buddies I try to read and communicate with on a regular basis. I don’t always succeed in touching base with all those whom I adore daily, but anyone who knows me know that, once you’re my friend, I am loyal to core. But it’s like in non-blogsphere world. There are only so hours in the day and the more friends you have, the more your time is stretched thin.
So I wrestle. Wrestle with the urge to continue to read, connect and “meet” more awesome Mommy Bloggers….or spend that same time staying connected to my core buddies.
Maybe I flatter myself. Maybe I am the only one in Blog Land that thinks like that. I notice Followers are a fickle lot. They come, laugh, comment two or three times, then fade off. Me thinks that’s just how it rolls in the Blogosphere.
How about you, oh appreciated reader? Is there a “saturation point” for you? A time to say “whoa in the mud hole” and just stick to your favs? Or do your favs change daily, weekly, monthly?
Inquiring minds want to know. 🙂
I appreciate this post. It’s tough to keep up with all of it…the blogs to read, write, and then the rest of life. I’m not whining…it’s just how it goes. I do enjoy reading everyone’s blogs and wish I did a better job of keeping up. For now though I’ll just have to keep half-assing it. 🙂
Great post.
I have to say that as a new blogger I feel like I need to read what everyone is saying out there! But I am trying to relax and not feel totally overwhelmed that there are 105 unread posts in my reader! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by today! I hope you come back by! 🙂
Not for me yet!! I am so new at this, and commenting is overwhelming, there are so many great blogs to read! And everyone leaves such clever comments. I am glad to know more experienced bloggers feel the same way.
When I am very short on time I stay with my core friends and leave comments, however, I like to pole around with my extra time, I find I learn so very much more and find some of the best people when I branch out.
Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest
No matter how you slice it, this whole blogging thing is time consuming. It’s a time thief to update and continue your own blog, let alone trying to get out there and show some love to the community. I’ve ALWAYS struggled wihth this, and the more bloggers I meet, the harder it is to keep up…But I am sooooooooo glad to be back!!!
I’m not sure…I find myself coming and going based on what’s happening in my life. Sometimes I need to see my “here” friends (going bowling in a few) and sometimes I think maybe I have more in common with my “efriends”. It is amazing to see where we’ve come in only a few short years blogging really has come around!
Wow, that is a lot of blogs. That is a lot of people with a lot of things to say. The blogosphere is incredible, I agree. I would love to read every blog in my blogroll every day. I really try to, but sometimes mommyhood calls. I would also love to discover a new blog every day as you do – a very neat idea, by the way – but that doesn’t happen regularly either.
Great post. It really made me think about how I approach reading blogs.
I’m pretty loyal. I get very overwhelmed by all the blogs in my reader. I want to read them all, but my husband would leave me. So I focus on my core and then whatever time is left over I try to visit everyone else.
If someone comments on blog I do my best to visit them.
What a good post! I know just what you mean! It is SO hard to find a blog you love and just not have enough time to visit! I constantly struggle with managing my blog time well! I always love your posts : )
I agree..it’s so hard and I’m severely addicted so I am constantly adding more. I shouldn’t, but I do. I really struggle to keep up with what’s in my reader. I do have a core but I read way more than that.
It’s tough!
I struggled with this very thing a few months ago. It was very hard, but I went through my reader and stopped following/subscribing to blogs that I had lost interest in. I felt bad about it, too. Now when I follow a blog, I do it privately, so that I don’t show in the bloggers followers. Then if I decide to stop, they won’t know I’m gone. But, I do like Tammy, I read all my blogs in my reader, but I only comment occasionally – if I really have something to say. But I am pretty loyal to my favorites – you being one!
I try to keep my list of blogs I follow to a minimum because I have the crazy ass idea that I HAVE to comment on everything I read on every blog I read if I follow it. It’s time consuming!
oh i hear you on that!!! it really can be so hard to find a balance! but like you i have a good core of blog friends that i try and read all the time and then i make my rounds as best i can!! but don’t worry, i love yours!!
I love discovering new blogs and am constantly adding them to my feed reader. That can make for a LOT of reading, though, so every few weeks I go back and clean out the blogs that have lost my interest. There are always a few core must reads, but I do think branching out is good for you both as a blogger and just as a person!
I love my blogging, it is my obsession. Sometimes I get bummed when I can’t go online and check them
I tell myself all the time I need to pare things down… I HAVE taken to reading things in my reader and only commenting if I really have something to say. But that doesn’t save me much time because I almost always have something to say.
I’m addicted.
I wish I could limit myself to 59 minutes and 59 seconds…
There are blogs I will go to the instant a new post appears in my reader, there are some I catch up on every few days and there are others that I visit only if an interesting post title happens to catch my eye. I mostly read in Google reader, so I don’t always click through to comment or even to read a whole post if the feed only carries a teaser. My favourites have changed over time, there are blogs I used to read daily that I haven’t visited in weeks but once I’ve been exchanging comments with another blogger I’m unlikely to stop reading unless they stop writing!
I add blogs to my reader fairly indiscriminately which is why my unread posts count sits permanently at 1000+
Good post! It is true, I do have my favorites, your up there on my list because I do read all your posts!! LOL
I love blogging and my family and friends do not get it. I keep on getting eye rolls and they think I’m a little tapped! But too bad for them, because they are missing out on the fun!