**The posts I write might contain affiliate links or be written in collaboration with businesses or brands. Please see my disclosure policy for more information.**
There are 52 weeks in a year.
SO, I challenge myself to try to achieve 52 new things in 2013
Here’s the breakdown:
1. Monetize My Blog. Mama likes money. Ad space anyone?
2. Keep back in touch with all my awesome blog buddies. I have neglected them so.
3. Better stats. Apparently Brands care about that 😉
4. Better time management. I have a bad case of SOS (Shiny Object Sydrome)
5. More consistent posting with a theme and purpose (as opposed to willy-nilly, whatever comes over my fancy)
6. Have an opt-in, grow my list ASAP!
7. Guest post more.
8. Make steady passive income from affiliates
9. Product reviews-office products (I spent 30 years in that industry, might as well put that knowledge to work)
10. Get back to remembering WHY I blog.
11. Lose weight (duh). I would prefer my arse to be only ONE-ax-handle-wide as opposed to TWO-ax-handles-wide.
12. Exercise. (See above “ax handle” comment)
13. More sleep. Less perimenopause (sorry if “TMI”)
14. Decrapi-fy, liquidate, and purge. Massive garage sale here we come. (My house needs to lose weight too)
15. More patience, less yelling. (at 47, I am in danger of being nicknamed Old Yeller)
16. Play more. I forgotten how to be “unplugged” and enjoying life.
17. Worry less. I have to learn to BELIEVE that the dots will be connected and the path with unfold.
18. Don’t sweat the small stuff.
19. Stop caring what other people think.
20. Be a better wife. I think I have dropped the ball a bit here.
21. Extreme Couponing! This fascinates me.
22. Downsize, review, and eliminate unnecessary bills and spending.
23. Explore more multiple streams of income.
24. Share this journey more with readers. I can’t be the only one tightening the belt and looking to reduce spending.
25. Save more (“Rainy Day Fund”).
26. Create Images (Picmonkey) for people. Gawd I love doing that.
27. Sell more on eBay.
28. Get involved with successful Affiliate Marketing more
29. Buy less programs, apps, and plugins. Half the time, I forget I even bought them
30. Invest in myself. More classes.
31. Pare down my client base to 4-5 really good (enjoyable) ones.
32. Focus on freelance more-sell articles
33. Make a steady income from Affiliate marketing
34. Less Social Media, more writing
35. Grow my list ASAP-use to sell products and affiliates
36. Get more organized
37. Make $5000/month while working 30 hours. Don’t laugh-it’s doable.
38. Set up consulting program (on what? Not sure yet)
39. Organize bookkeeping better-(I truly suck at this)
40. Do better work for the clients I have. Give 150% all.the.time
41. Go to BlogHer or another blogging convention.
42. Hilly-Billy Hand Fishin. YES, I am serious.
43. Ghost hunt somewhere. Vallisca House?
44. Disney World here we come!
45. Weekend stay at a resort or spa (just me).
46. Sell an article to a national magazine.
47. Go to Tennessee
47. Remember to have a life. Get out, see people, network. Maybe join a networking group.
48. rediscover and carve out writing time.
49. Go see the St Paul Ice Winter Carnival
50. Take my kids to Air Maxx Trampoline Park
51. Go “picking” like the American Pickers
52. Go to The Celebrating Sisterhood Art Retreat.
Hi Thaleia! Yes, I just installed it a few days ago. I need to read up on it more though 🙂
Have you thought about passionfruit ads for ads? I have not had the chance to set-up their ads but do want to include ad revenue in my biz plan this year as well! Maybe we should swap some ad space to get started!
Great list, Becky!
I’m interested in learning more about how you intend to make more money with your blog, get more affiliates etc etc. Super interested!
I made a list of goals for this year – 27 things to do before I turn 28 next December. The post is here: http://www.lauraradnieckiblog.com/2012/12/27-things-before-im-28.html
I love goal setting!
28! OMG you are so YOUNG Miss Laura 😉 I am exploring all sort of things. Different kinds of affiliates. Selling ad space. I am migrating the Lakes Area Mom Squad blog over to WP in February to get more serious about optimizing that blog as well. We should chat some day soon!