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With happiness…that is!
As many of you know I have been on quite a mission of goal-setting and creating a shining business and life this year.
Well, a major milestone on my business plan has just been achieved and yes, I may have tinkled a little with happiness.
I am SO happy and excited to announce that my #1 goal for 2016 has been achieved; the goal to get my FREElance FREEdom ebook on Amazon. CHECKED OFF and DONE, baby!
The funny thing was, when I shared this news with someone-I-know-who-shall-remain-nameless, her reply was, “So, you’re an expert in working from home?” (insert fake/sweet passive/aggressive tone).
My first instinct was to shout, “Damn straight, biotch!’ (Sorry, was that too harsh?), but I didn’t. I just smiled and stated that the true meaning of “expert” was not necessarily the person who had all the answers; it was the person who knew where to find the answers. (check and mate)
But honestly, my commitment to this subject is a sincere desire to help others. My goal in becoming an “expert” on the topic of working from home successfully (re: emotional and financial success) isn’t to come across as a giant smartypants. My goal is to help readers, and women just like me, discover that there IS “life beyond the cubicle.”
I want to educate newbie and veteran mompreneurs (in my fun and quirky style) that working from the comfort of home and supporting a family is totally possible. My FREElance FREEdom ebook is not “the fluff” of working from home. It is real life, I’ve-been-there-done-that, “no B.S.” details that share the tips, secrets, best practices, processes and resources that peel back the curtains of being self-employed and a business owner. Working from home is not all butterflies and unicorns, but it IS completely worth it.
I know you need to make a living, but remember work is not everything. There is family, friends and your hobbies whom you should devote time to as well. I firmly believe that earning all money in the world is not worth sacrificing the most precious moments in your life for. Not only is it ok to take a break, but it is imperative that you do so. Working on your own can be very exhausting. By not taking a break you end up doing more harm than good.
Want to know more? Have you been secretly ( or not-so-secretly) dreaming of working from home, making an honest living and flexing that work around the needs of your family. It IS possible!
(Now available on Amazon!)
My commitment to this subject is a sincere desire to help others. My goal in becoming an “expert” on the topic of working from home successfully (re: emotional and financial success) isn’t to come across as a giant smartypants. My goal is to help readers, and women just like me, discover that there IS “life beyond the cubicle.”
I want to educate newbie and veteran mompreneurs (in my fun and quirky style) that working from the comfort of home and supporting a family is totally possible. My FREElance FREEdom ebook is not “the fluff” of working from home. It is real life, I’ve-been-there-done-that, “no B.S.” details that share the tips, secrets, best practices, processes and resources that peel back the curtains of being self-employed and a business owner. Working from home is not all butterflies and unicorns, but it IS completely worth it.
Ready to learn more or or take the first step? Go HERE to take the first step in realizing your work from home dreams or click the pink button to get instant access!
Congrats, how awesome!
Did you hire an editor for your books or spend any other money publishing it? I am writing a kids novel and I am really torn about spending money up front to get it published or not.
I spent some $$ getting it proofread, but I don’t think that is enough. One of my clients is a children’s book publisher and author and she is a huge advocate for getting a book professionally edited. There are many, many children’s book authors self-publishing these days and sadly, many of their books have less-than-stellar quality becuase they weren’t properly edited. Kids may not notice edition/spelling/grammar bloopers, but their parents will. Hope this helps. Joel Friedlander is a great source of info for anyone looking to publish.
Thank you!!!!