Hi! Welcome to the “Best Of”, Franticmommy.
You either love my blog , need a good laugh, or just want to make fun of my lack of proper grammar. The following post are what I consider my “Best” . When I wrote these posts the stars aligned, the heavens parted, and I produced some pretty rockin stories for you to read. My style is raw, real, quirky and fun. I am so Franticmommy.
“People rarely remember a sales pitch, but they will always remember a good story”.-Jeffery Gitomer
So, without much further ado, here’s are the posts I think will make me a millions of dollars..someday..maybe. HEY. A mama can dream 🙂
WAHM Tip Thursday-Starting a WAHM Business on a Shoestring.
WAHM Tip Thursday: It’s Not all Unicorns and Rainbows
WAHM Tip Thursday: Facebook Cover Photos: A Tip and A Trick
WAHM Tip Thursday: What to do With PLR
Taking The Plunge with Email Marketing: Aweber
Trello: A FREE & Super Simple Task Management System
Tips and Tricks for a Wildly Success Garage Sale.
Chores and Kids: What’s Your Process?
You Know You’re A Committed Blogger When..
The School Called. Your Kid Ate Part of a Skull Today
Fish Emergency in The Wal-Mart Express Lane
The Forgotten Art of Curb Rolling
What Kenny Rogers Taught me About Time Suckers